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Courageous Innovation: 4 Power Practices For Senior Leaders


Fasten your seatbelts; it’s going to be a bumpy ride. No truer words were ever spoken to describe today’s business environment. Strong company growth amid high interest rates, labor challenges, broken supply chains, sticky inflation and AI-fueled uncertainty is no easy task. More is being asked of you, often with…

How to Master Work-Life Harmony with these Simple Steps


Collaboration is a powerful tool that has become increasingly essential in the modern business world. Working together with others can help drive growth, innovation, and success. My journey with collaboration caused me to discover some hacks that have improved my work-life balance. This article will explore the importance of these hacks…

Teens’ Transcendent Thinking Spurs Brain Growth


Adolescents engaging in “transcendent thinking”—the practice of looking beyond the immediate context to understand deeper meanings and implications—can significantly influence their brain development. The study highlights how this complex form of thinking fosters coordination between the brain’s executive control and default mode networks, crucial for psychological functioning […] Click here…

AI For Accessibility Means AI For All—No Magic Needed


Imagine a world where you suddenly lose your ability to hear. Your surroundings fall into eerie silence, conversations become mere gestures and your connection to the world begins to crumble. This was my reality when I experienced total hearing loss while at work, unable to hear my colleagues speak, mere…

Is Your Company’s Data Ready for Generative AI?


Many organizations are excited about generative AI, and they are mobilizing to take advantage of it. Boards of directors are having educational workshops and encouraging their companies to act. Senior management teams are thinking about what use cases to develop. Individuals and departments are experimenting with how the technology can…

Emotion vs. Reason: Rethinking Decision-Making


Researchers challenge the notion that rational thinking is the only path to good decision-making. Highlighting the limited role of rationality in our choices, the researchers emphasize the profound influence of emotions, as demonstrated in his wine tasting study where perceived value affected enjoyment. This revelation not only questions our reliance…

Shaping Empathy: Adult Brains Can Learn Compassion


Empathy, often considered a fixed trait, has been shown to be malleable in adults, influenced by observing the empathetic reactions of others. The study utilized Computational Modeling and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to demonstrate how empathy levels adjust in adult brains based on social environments. Key findings include the…

How to Meet a Deadline


Who doesn’t love a deadline? Anecdotal evidence suggests that the answer is, “Most of us, actually!” Deadlines are the bane of many people’s working lives, and a source of relentless and worrying pressure. But they’re important for almost any task and any role, and they’re essential for the smooth running…

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