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Why People Procrastinate, and How to Overcome It


To stop putting off tasks, think about the positive By April 12, 2024—three days before the deadline for filing tax returns in the U.S.—more than a quarter of American taxpayers had yet to do so. Procrastination—delaying something despite an awareness of associated negative consequences, leading to discomfort—is a common experience for many. Unfortunately…

Make Your Workday Work for Your Mental Health


Summary.  When you’re struggling with your mental health, getting through your workday can feel a lot harder than usual. It’s not always the quantity or type of work that is making your anxiety, depression, or other mental health difficulties worse — sometimes it’s that your workday is structured in a way…

How Much Do Our Thoughts Shape Our Health?


The way we think about time, aging and sickness may influence our health, behavior and general well-being in surprising ways. Time heals all wounds, as the saying goes. But any medical professional can tell you that the hours required for recovery after an injury can vary widely. A person’s age,…

Teens’ Transcendent Thinking Spurs Brain Growth


Adolescents engaging in “transcendent thinking”—the practice of looking beyond the immediate context to understand deeper meanings and implications—can significantly influence their brain development. The study highlights how this complex form of thinking fosters coordination between the brain’s executive control and default mode networks, crucial for psychological functioning […] Click here…

Emotion vs. Reason: Rethinking Decision-Making


Researchers challenge the notion that rational thinking is the only path to good decision-making. Highlighting the limited role of rationality in our choices, the researchers emphasize the profound influence of emotions, as demonstrated in his wine tasting study where perceived value affected enjoyment. This revelation not only questions our reliance…

Unlocking the Brain’s Secret to Powerful Memories and Addiction


Recent research reveals a novel brain mechanism that creates powerful memories, influencing actions like drug addiction. Focusing on cocaine experiences, the study found that the collaboration of nerve cells across multiple brain regions underpins these enduring memories. This large-scale neural cooperation might explain the persistence of strong, unwanted memories, with…

12 ways to keep your brain young


Every brain changes with age, and mental function changes along with it. Mental decline is common, and it’s one of the most feared consequences of aging. But cognitive impairment is not inevitable. Here are 12 ways you can help maintain brain function. 1. Get mental stimulation Through research with mice…

New Neural Implant Unlocks Deep Brain Activity  Implant  neuroscientific innovation


Researchers create a transparent graphene-based neural implant offering high-resolution brain activity data from the surface. The implant’s dense array of tiny graphene electrodes enables simultaneous recording of electrical and calcium activity in deep brain layers. This innovation overcomes previous implant limitations and offers insights for neuroscientific studies. The transparent design…

Heartbeat’s Influence on Brain Activity


Summary: New research uncovered that the phases of a heartbeat significantly influence brain and motor system excitability. The study utilized transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on 37 healthy volunteers to observe changes in cortical and corticospinal excitability across the cardiac cycle. They found heightened excitability during the systolic phase, when blood vessels…

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