Psychology related to work

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  • Psychology related to work
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7 Ways to Weave Mindfulness into Your Workday


Summary.   Many executives say they don’t have time for mindfulness practices, such as daily meditation. An alternative is micro-presence: weaving moments of mindfulness into the workday to heighten self-awareness, recalibrate, and reset. Use time-, transition-, or technology-based triggers to prompt behaviors like taking three deep breaths, pausing to express gratitude, doing…

How to Master Work-Life Harmony with these Simple Steps


Collaboration is a powerful tool that has become increasingly essential in the modern business world. Working together with others can help drive growth, innovation, and success. My journey with collaboration caused me to discover some hacks that have improved my work-life balance. This article will explore the importance of these hacks…

Shaping Empathy: Adult Brains Can Learn Compassion


Empathy, often considered a fixed trait, has been shown to be malleable in adults, influenced by observing the empathetic reactions of others. The study utilized Computational Modeling and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to demonstrate how empathy levels adjust in adult brains based on social environments. Key findings include the…

Mastering Meeting Anxiety Through Rituals For Career Success


In the fast-paced world of business, where meetings often dominate our schedules, the ability to navigate through stress and anxiety becomes a crucial skill. Imagine you could utilize rituals, just like in sports, as powerful tools to not only enhance productivity but also to alleviate the tension that accompanies high-stakes…

What Is Psychological Safety?


No one likes to deliver bad news to their boss. But that’s exactly what I had to do when a project I’d been working on wasn’t delivering the results we expected. I’d been a big advocate for our team taking on the initiative and, personally, I’d invested a lot of…

The mindset to re-kindle lost passion


It’s easy to lose the spark for work you once loved. Five strategies can help re-ignite your fire. For some, a loss of passion may be a sign that you need to change careers – but such a drastic move is not always possible. Fortunately, recent studies show that some people naturally…

How to Support New Workers’ Mental Health


We usually think of new entrants to the workforce as young people and recent graduates, but the cohort can also include existing workers entering new types of employment, such as frontline workers transitioning to office work, gig workers moving to salaried roles, or people moving from unpaid caregiving to formal…

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