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Mastering soft skills, or power skills as they are more recently termed, can make all the difference between a disappointingly ineffective side hustle and a thriving, high-income venture, that has the potential to eventually turn into your main job. You can have exceptional domain knowledge within your area of expertise,…

Generative AI  brainstorm content13 Ways Writers Should Embrace Generative AI


Generative AI is already being adopted in journalism to automate the creation of content, brainstorm ideas for features, create personalized news stories, and produce accompanying video content. As such, it’s helping outlets like The Associated Press and News Corp process and present information in new, exciting ways. But what about other forms of writing?…

The Women’s Health Pioneer You’ve Probably Never Heard Of


When Rebecca Davis Lee Crumpler (February 8, 1831–March 9, 1895) gathered nearly two decades of her journal notes and poured them into a book, she’d already treated hundreds—probably thousands—of women and children. Crumpler had witnessed many lives cut short prematurely and believed in the lifesaving power of preventive practices. She wanted other…

Here Are the Essential Tools Every Entrepreneur Needs to Succeed in 2024


BY ROY DEKEL In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of entrepreneurship, leveraging the right tools is crucial for efficiency, collaboration and growth. As we navigate through 2024, entrepreneurs have at their disposal an array of powerful tools that can streamline operations, enhance marketing efforts and foster seamless communication. In this comprehensive guide,…

The Fourth Revolution: The Age Of Digital Enlightenment


In the history of modern civilization, we’ve witnessed four major revolutions that forever changed the way the world operates. From the impact of irrigation on hunting and gathering in an agrarian economy, to the impact of assembly lines in a manufacturing economy, to the evolution of the workforce in the…

AI Uncovers Secrets of Brain Aging


Utilizing artificial intelligence, researchers developed “HistoAge,” an algorithm predicting age at death and unraveling the enigmas of brain aging and neurodegenerative disorders […] Click here to view original web page at

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