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Why Making Mistakes Is Essential for Growth as a Real Leader


Your pitch falls flat. Your new hire walks out. Your project goes bust. Failures like these are inevitable for business leaders, especially those who innovate and take risks. Most see such missteps as purely negative experiences and try to sweep them under the rug […] Click here to view original…

It’s Time For Leaders To Embrace Digital Wellness


The complexities of digital connectivity and its impact on workplace well-being have never been more pronounced. It is evident to me that we have entered very alarming times when it comes to the integration of technology and the wellness of employees. It’s not all bad, but it’s certainly not all…



Here’s how the ancient philosophy of Stoicism can benefit modern entrepreneurs. The ancient Greek philosophy of Stoicism is relevant and important to contemporary entrepreneurs. Qualities such as perseverance, concentration and clarity play an important role in coping with contemporary business problems. By using stoic wisdom in their entrepreneurial endeavors, entrepreneurs may increase…

Courageous Innovation: 4 Power Practices For Senior Leaders


Fasten your seatbelts; it’s going to be a bumpy ride. No truer words were ever spoken to describe today’s business environment. Strong company growth amid high interest rates, labor challenges, broken supply chains, sticky inflation and AI-fueled uncertainty is no easy task. More is being asked of you, often with…

3 Strategies to Help Leaders Ignite Passion in the Workplace 


It’s time to reframe how we look at work and view it through the lens of creativity. Because if we’re trying to help motivate our employees, once we understand that so much of our work is about creativity, passion becomes much more important. The most creative artists are deeply passionate about…

What's Most Important in a CEO: Humility, Authenticity, or Empathy?


A few weeks ago, I wrote a piece suggesting that the No. 1 trait CEOs need right now is humility. Tim Ryan, senior partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) U.S., argued that today’s leaders need to be bold, occasionally fail, and have the humility to recognize and fix mistakes. A few readers were quick…

15 Human-Centric Ways For Leaders To Promote High Performance


A company that cares as much about its employee experience as its customer experience not only enhances well-being, but also increases productivity. Moreover, a survey conducted by Gartner, Inc. showed that employees who work in human-centric workplaces are significantly more likely to perform at high levels, plan to stay in their roles…

The Best Leaders Can’t Be Replaced by AI


With access to unlimited information, superior processing power, rapid learning capabilities, and no emotional constraints, artificial intelligence will soon surpass human ability in many areas of leadership. Our research, for which we surveyed more than 600 employees across multiple industries, indicates that employees already have more confidence in AI than in their…

Head And Heart: Navigating The Dichotomy Of Modern Leadership


Dr. Kirstin Ferguson is an award-winning professional who brings a dynamic perspective to what it means to be a leader today in her new book, Head and Heart: The Art of Modern Leadership. Combined with her diverse experience, ranging from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to the Royal Australian Air Force, this book…

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